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- INFO-HAMS Digest Thu, 21 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 1054
- Today's Topics:
- 1990 Meteor Shower Peak Times
- Callbook privacy?
- Cellular Telephone security (2 msgs)
- Need 8051 simulator
- Strong language and retansmission. (2 msgs)
- University Clubs notice
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 21 Dec 89 20:43:31 GMT
- From: victim.dec.com!reisert@decwrl.dec.com (Jim -- LTN1-2/H03 -- DTN 226-6905 21-Dec-1989 1515)
- Subject: 1990 Meteor Shower Peak Times
- Message-ID: <8912212043.AA04814@decwrl.dec.com>
- [Thanks to Joe Reisert, W1JR, for doing the work necessary to calculate this
- information.]
- Peak Times for 1990 Meteor Showers
- ----------------------------------
- Shower Name Date Peak (UTC) Duration Accuracy (+/-)
- ----------- ---- ---------- -------- --------------
- Quadrantids 03 January 1145 14 hours 15 minutes
- Lyrids 22 April 0441 2.3 days 12 hours
- Eta Aquarids 05 May 0612 3 days 12 hours
- Piscids 05 May 1913 ? ?
- Arietids 07 June 1253 8 days 12 hours
- Zeta Perseids 09 June 2136 ? ?
- Delta Aquarids 29 July 0818 7 days 12 hours
- Perseids 12 August 0625 4.6 days 75 minutes
- Orionids 21 October 0145 2 days 12 hours
- Taurids 03 November 1457 20 days 12 hours
- Cassiopeids 03 November 1430 ? ?
- Leonids 17 November 0804 4 days 12 hours
- Geminids 13 December 1204 2.5 days 12 hours
- Ursids 22 December 1530 2.2 days 12 hours
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Dec 89 21:52:18 GMT
- From: zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!sunybcs!bowen@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Devon Bowen)
- Subject: ARRL
- Message-ID: <15122@eerie.acsu.Buffalo.EDU>
- In article <171@mikebat.UUCP>, michaelb@mikebat.UUCP (Michael R.
- Batchelor) writes:
- > 73 has fairly regular coverage of microwave activity. It isn't the most
- > technical stuff out there, but it is exposure. At least the rag is trying.
- I just recently got my first issue of 73 and I'm quite impressed with how
- much they are trying. The magazine seems more in tune with the kind of people
- that just want to have fun and learn in new areas. There have been an increas-
- ing number of QST articles that I end up just putting on the stack because
- there isn't a single article that I find interesting.
- Due to lack of time, I'll be cancelling my ARRL membership and just picking
- up 73 instead (by the way, how is Ham Radio?). The ARRL is fine for getting
- started in radio or for those interested in the politics, nostalgia or contest-
- ing (which I, personally, find *really* boring) but there's not enough there
- for me.
- Devon
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Dec 89 23:24:09 GMT
- From: brian@ucsd.edu (Brian Kantor)
- Subject: Callbook privacy?
- Message-ID: <10565@ucsd.Edu>
- My license for WB6ZUK (now expired) had a mailing address of a PO Box,
- and a station license that said "Otay Mountain, SW of Dulzura, Calif".
- I don't think you'd find my house there either!
- - Brian
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Dec 89 20:18:48 GMT
- From: zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!brutus.cs.uiuc.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!phil@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Phil Howard KA9WGN)
- Subject: Cellular Telephone security
- Message-ID: <1989Dec21.201848.19456@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
- --
- --Phil Howard, KA9WGN--
- <phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Dec 89 20:20:51 GMT
- From: zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!brutus.cs.uiuc.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!phil@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Phil Howard KA9WGN)
- Subject: Cellular Telephone security
- Message-ID: <1989Dec21.202051.19862@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
- Tonight (Thursday 21 Dec) at 9 PM eastern time, CNN's Larry King Live will
- apparently be talking about the security aspects of cellular telephones.
- --
- --Phil Howard, KA9WGN--
- <phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Dec 89 21:26:23 GMT
- From: zephyr.ens.tek.com!orca.wv.tek.com!porkface2.WV.TEK.COM!miker@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: Need 8051 simulator
- Message-ID: <5704@orca.wv.tek.com>
- I'm building a repeater controller with an Intel 8751 (actually it's an
- 8744, but I don't use the HDLC controller).
- This is my first attempt with the 8744 and it's not working the first
- time.
- I use all the I/O pins, so I have no way to look at what's going on
- inside. It is very difficult to debug. Yes, I'm adding the
- equivalent of print statements in the code and toggling them out a
- borrowed i/o pin, but it's less than satisfactory. Turnaround time for
- changes is awful. I've pulled out all my remaining hair.
- Is there any simulation/emulation software that will execute my code
- and provide debugging support? Something that runs on a unix machine
- ansi BASIC, C, Fortran, Pascal would be best. I could probably borrow
- a PC if I had to.
- Thanks miker
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Dec 89 19:43:59 GMT
- From: zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!mips!excelan!unix!ginger.sri.com!henry@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Henry Pasternack)
- Subject: Strong language and retansmission.
- Message-ID: <7151@unix.SRI.COM>
- John G. De Armond writes:
- >Are you serious? Have you been on the packet networks in the last, oh,
- >say, 4 years or so? Unattended operation is explicitly permitted.
- I was a serious ham about a decade ago. At that time, interest in
- packet radio was somewhat lower than it is now. I am ashamed of my
- ignorance, but I will strive to overcome it.
- I don't have the FCC rules on retransmission in front of me. Allowing
- automatic retransmission of packet files is not the same as a carte-blanche
- authorization to broadcast the contents of any digital message source.
- I respect the need to maintain decorum in all public forums. Evidently,
- decorum is particularly important on this one. I suggest that this
- newsgroup would benefit from periodic posting of its charter and guidelines
- for message language and content.
- I have just read the contents of "news.announce.newusers", and it appears
- to me that the rules for message content on the news service are considerably
- less strict than those for amateur radio transmissions. I suppose the charter
- of this newsgroup can legitimately demand that participants "behave as though
- they are making amateur packet transmissions" -- because that is indeed
- precisely what they are doing. In that case, let's see the charter posted
- frequently and conspicuously.
- -Henry
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Dec 89 23:37:23 GMT
- From: brian@ucsd.edu (Brian Kantor)
- Subject: Strong language and retansmission.
- Message-ID: <10566@ucsd.Edu>
- What I transmit, whether I originated it or just am relaying it is MY
- responsibility - and it's my license on the line. I will judge the
- content or whether I need to examine stuff before I transmit it.
- I do NOT feel that I have the right to expect anyone posting articles
- (that I may or may not be relaying) to restrain their language.
- It's a practical impossibility anyway. C'mon, people, this is the real
- world here, not an ice-cream social!
- - Brian
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 21 Dec 89 15:15:12 CST
- From: Will Martin <wmartin@STL-06SIMA.ARMY.MIL>
- Subject: University Clubs notice
- Washington University in St. Louis had a club with the call W0QEV back
- when I went there in the '60s. I have no idea if it still exists or who
- would be the current contact. I know WU is on USENET, though, so maybe
- someone there will see this and respond.
- Will
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #1054
- ***************************************